It’s becoming harder and harder every year.
As cynical as I’ve always been, and as opinionated as I’ve always been, I have tried (as a rule) to keep my most volitile opinions to myself…or at least couch them in humorous terms to make them less confrontational.
After all, you never know when you’re going to say or do something that insults a client…or a potential one. It’s easy enough to do, even when you’re trying to be careful.

But more and more, as I pay attention to all the blathering and posing and preening and one-upmanship…and outright lying and backsliding…going on in the public eye, it’s becoming more and more difficult to remain simply an observer.
For now, though…and with a supreme effort…my resolve remains in place. For now, I will continue to resist the urge to join the shouting exchanges which masquerade as “debate” almost anywhere you look or listen…where everyone has to have the last word, and everyone has to be right.
For now.
…you’re welcome.
— over and out —